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Dear Pastor,
Please encourage every youth and young adult in your congregation to log on to the M.O.V.E Kickoff, a history-making virtual Initiative on Sunday, July 19, 2020, beginning @3:00 pm; followed by age-appropriate sessions @ 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm (See posted flyer for further details).

The purpose of M. O. V. E. (Making Our Voices Echo), is to unite all youth and young adults in the Second Episcopal District (SED) of the African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church.   Every aspect of the Initiative is the result of their creativity and planning.

We are excited and inspired that the youth and young adults chose to do this as a united force, utilizing the SED as their platform, to address encountered unforeseen situations in 2020. They have had time to reflect on all that has surfaced through economic, political, and health injustices. This quality, reflective time will be dedicated to hearing how the many community-based issues are impacting all members ages 5 to 40, devise and present a plan of action, focusing on the racial injustices - Health, Politics, 2020 Census, and the November 2020 election.


Stacey Abrams, notable lawyer, author, politician, social activist, and engaging motivational speaker, will inform and inspire as they launch the M.O.V.E Campaign at @3:00 pm. She will show them how critical it is that they are a motivating force in this quest for liberation and social equality. They should be encouraged to further challenge youth and young adults throughout the whole of the AME Church and beyond the AME Church, to identify and participate in organizations/movements/ social justice groups that are already addressing causes; and/ or even researching possibilities for starting a movement of their own.

The SED Youth and Young Adults have confidently exclaimed that “this is the time for us to use our voices to boldly proclaim our thoughts, the impact on our lives, and what we deem the revolution to look like.” 

Likewise, they have tailored the M.O.V.E. so every youth and young adult can find their rightful place in Christ, utilizing the SED and AME Church platform.  May the Spirit of Christ that lives inside them M.O.V.E mightily as they take action based on their spiritual gifts, passion, abilities, and interests. Let’s give them wings and our total support as they M.O.VE in making our churches, communities, nations, and the world free of bias for all human beings. These are those who will change the world.

The attached flyer highlights specifics for you to print, distribute, display, and share with as wide an audience as possible (AMEs and non-AMEs); and invite them to join in to this exciting M.O.V.E Initiative beginning @ 3:00 pm. EST, July 19, 2020.
SED Youth and Young Adults - Making our Voices Echo (M.O.V.E.) 

Please use the call-in number and password below to join the webinar:
Call-in No: 301-715-8592 • Password: 167946

We urge you to please be supportive of our youth and young adults and encourage them to participate. Additionally, please have this announcement read this week on all social media platforms that you utilize for disseminating information on a daily and weekly basis. Thank you and may God continue to bless and keep you as you minister to our youth and young adults during these unprecedented times.

James L. Davis, Servant Bishop
Arelis B. Davis, WMS Supervisor 

The Second Episcopal District of the
African Methodist Episcopal Church
All Rights Reserved ©2025

Bishop Reginald T. Jackson

Mrs. Christy Davis Jackson, Esq.

WMS Supervisor


1134 11th Street NW
Washington, DC 20001
P 202.842.3788 | F 202.289.1942
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