The Second Episcopal District Family has been most generous in supporting our financial efforts of “Souper Bowl of Caring Sunday” each year in February. We are conscious of the numerous hardships that congregations have encountered over the past months. Nevertheless, we are grateful for your benevolent spirit; And despite setbacks, God is faithful to our labors of love.
Therefore, I'm appealing to you to support our youth in their chosen Project by giving a sacrificial offering on Souper Bowl Sunday, February 3, 2019. Your collective offerings will be used by the youth to assist in disaster relief efforts at the AME Empowerment Center/Shelter in Raleigh, North Carolina and several AME Church Districts outside the Continental United States (US).
As a gesture to demonstrate unity, support and encouragement in their commitment to reach out to those in need, we are asking pastors to please allow your YPDer’s to collect the offering.
Also, please send your checks to the Conference YPD Directors. In turn, the Conference YPD Directors are asked to submit a report of funds raised to the District YPD Director.
The Souper Bowl of Caring is a National movement with YPDer’s across the United States working together to fight hunger in their local communities around Super Bowl Sunday.
In the Spirit of Advancing the Kingdom, I remain,
James L. Davis, Servant Bishop