Day 7: March 18, 2019
Prayer Changes Things
Almighty God, our heavenly Father, bless, we pray, all those who labor for the extension of your kingdom. Make us so thankful for all your precious gifts to us, especially the gift of your beloved Son, that we may pray fervently, labor diligently, and continue all our days to give liberally to make Christ known to all peoples as their Savior and their King. For the sake of your kingdom we ask this. Amen.
Day 6: Sunday, March 17, 2019
Prayer for Love and Unity in the Second Episcopal District
Lord Almighty. . .
We call upon you as the Lord of our lives to order our steps as we continue to do the work of the 2019 Annual Conferences. There is so much to do as we hold to our agenda in addressing the business that we have come together to do.
Give us the insight and the faith to understand that only what we do for Christ will last. Equip us so that we can return to our various locations for even greater work in your name. When we seem to stray from the purpose for which we have come in this Annual Conference, nudge our hearts and steer us back to where we need to be.
Keep us focused on why we have come, so at the close of the 2019 Annual Conference Session, we can all rejoice and proclaim it has all been accomplished to God’s honor and glory and for the benefit and those we have the responsibility to serve.
King Jesus we invite you to take residence in the Second Episcopal District and in our lives. You are Lord; and we know we are called to a different standard as we model authentic Kingdom living.
Give us the wisdom that comes from you, to handle all our resources well, so we may plan now for the future. As a united Kingdom District, empower us to think generationally. Enable us to leave an inheritance of spiritual and economic wealth for the needs of future generations. Help us to hear through spiritual ears that when God speaks to us, He is talking of our descendants and generations that will follow us. I am yours! Use me Lord! In Jesus’ Name. Amen!
James L. Davis, Servant Bishop
Day 5: Saturday, March 16, 2019
Prayer for Our Children, Youth and Young Adults
God, Our Father, we pray that through our intercession, You will protect our children, youth and young adults. Keep them safe from harm. Help us to help them grow and become the disciples that you would have them become. Give them strength to keep their Faith in You; and to keep alive their joy in Your creation.
The church and the world need their witness in these perilous time of racial conflict, world-wide violence and social revolution. These are times parallel to those when Jesus, your Son, walked the face of the earth. We thank you for the care and affection of Jesus himself, who placed children in the very center of his community.
Inspire us to nurture our children, youth and young adults with gentleness and love. Empower us to build a world that no longer knows child abuse and violence. May we protect them from evil, show them our constant love, guard them against any harm, watch over every step of their journey and strengthen them for life to soar as eagles in this challenging, yet world of numerous opportunities. Let us by your Spirit help our children, youth and young adults fully develop their gifts and talents in your servic
Most of all may they embrace you as their Lord and Savior and lover of their souls at an early stage in their lives. Strengthen us so that we may model authentic Kingdom living; that they be inspired by our examples to invite King Jesus to take residence in their lives as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Lord, hear our prayer. And we pray in union with your own Child, Jesus Christ, our brother and friend. Amen.James L. Davis, Servant Bishop
Day 4: Friday, March 15, 2019
Prayer for Political Leaders --World, National, and local
King Jesus, Lord of Lords, Creator of All Things. . .
We know that our prayers can go anywhere -- in city council chambers, in local municipalities, in state houses, in legislative chambers in halls of Congress – even the White House. We have the faith to know that people who would never speak to us in person have no defense against our prayers to you.
We lift up our president. We ask You to direct him in the way You would have him go. Lord, We pray that You surround him with wise counsel--men and women of moral integrity-- who place Your agenda and the good of this great nation and the world above their own and whose motives are for the right for all humanity.
We pray that You would give our leaders discernment, understanding, and knowledge so that our country may know stability internally and abroad. Give us discernment to vote for leaders that demonstrate kingdom-minded leadership so that we might lead peaceable lives in godliness and honesty. Fill their hearts with Kingdom living wisdom to make decisions that would strengthen and prosper our nation. We pray that Your Hand and not their own personal concerns and agendas will motivate them.
We pray that by Your Holy Power, our legislative bodies at all levels-- world-wide, nationally or locally, would make laws that are just, right and fair for all people regardless of race, color, creed or national origin. Turn their hearts to you so that they may make unbiased decisions concerning the politics, the social welfare, and the economics of our country and the world. We pray for leaders throughout the world who serve in public office. We ask that you guide their minds and hearts to work together for solutions that will bring peace to our troubled world; so that all people may live in true peace and freedom as is your final will for the world. This we ask in Jesus’ Name. Amen.James L. Davis, Servant Bishop
Day 3: Thursday, March 14, 2019
Prayer for Healing, Reconciliation, Relationships and Families
Lord of Justice, Love Grace and Mercy. . .
We come before you today to pray for those in need of your healing hand. In you all things are possible. Hold their hearts within yours, and whatever healing is needed, renew their mind, body, and soul.
In you all healing is performed whether physical, mental emotional or spiritual. You, Lord are the miracle worker. In your Spirit, your gift of healing is alive. In you Lord we can put our trust that you can heal us, and protect us from snares of our enemy, Satan.
You, Lord are the miracle worker for the sick and for lost souls. Help us put our trust in You. Lord, you are the greatest physician. We pray for healing in broken relationships. You protect, You care, You love, You are kind, You are patient.
Amid conflict and division, we know it is you who turn our minds to thoughts of peace. Your Spirit changes our hearts: enemies begin to speak to one another, those who were estranged join hands in friendship, and nations seek the way of peace together.
Your Spirit is at work when understanding puts an end to strife, when hatred is quenched by mercy, and vengeance gives way to forgiveness. Help us to ask forgiveness when we need to. Help us to forgive others who have wronged us. And let us be peacemakers in our church, school, family, community and world. We thank you for the gift of your forgiveness and love, for bringing wholeness through healing and reconciliation in all relationships-- whether it be physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual. Lord of Healing, Reconciliation, Relationships, and Families hear our prayer. Amen.
James L. Davis, Servant Bishop
Day 2: Wednesday, March 13, 2019
The Mission of the Church
Loving God and Father of All Humanity. . .
We realize that our world is out of control; and is speaking loudly and clearly to us. We are experiencing moral and social disintegration, ethnic, cultural, religious, and racial conflicts, political upheaval, mass killings, terrorism, and numerous indicators of our inhumanity. We can no longer do business as usual.
You desire us as your partner to reclaim and redeem the world. Matthew 12:25 says, “Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste and no city or house divided against itself will stand.” You want a kingdom that stands united. We pray that we will be on one accord as your instruments in accomplishing the Church's Mission to carry out The Great Commission. Our mission is to carry the Gospel so that others may hear it and through the power of the Holy Spirit, come to know Jesus as Lord and Savior of their lives.
We pray that wherever we have gathered to do the business of the Annual Conferences that the glorious message of salvation—the Good News—will begin and end with God receiving the glory. We pray for our Bishop and Supervisor - our servant leaders. We pray for all our clergy, pastors and presiding elders as they compassionately shepherd the people committed to their care. We are inviting you right now, by the Spirit’s power, to empower us to gain control of our world by practicing kingdom living as a daily way of life. Rekindle in us the desire to help those who are most vulnerable, the marginalized, the lost, the least, the last in our local churches, our community and throughout the world.
We pray in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
James L. Davis, Servant Bishop
Day 1: Tuesday, March 12, 2019
Prayer for Personal Spiritual Refreshing
to Achieve Authentic Kingdom Living
Holy God, the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End…
Please make me a blessing as an authentic Kingdom person. I present myself to you, as a living sacrifice, for ministry to the world in advancing your kingdom here on earth. I pray that I would see others through your eyes of love, compassion and concern and that I would ask myself "What would Jesus have me do?" Please forgive me of the times I have been selfish or apathetic, for the times I have missed out on the opportunity to minister and be a blessing.
I pray for divine discipline to shut out all distractions that would keep me from achieving the goal of doing the business of the conferences. Keep me from getting caught up in trivialities that would tend to pull me away from what will benefit our churches, our communities and our world. Allow your divine Spirit to energize me as I work with others to achieve the purpose for which we came. And that purpose is to take care of God’s business. Lord, empower me and strengthen me to do what we have gathered in our Annual Conference to do for advancing your kingdom here on earth.
I pray, Father, that you will direct me to those who need to hear the life-giving message of the return to Kingdom living. Let your Holy Spirit live within me so that where ever I am, others can see your loving influence expressed through me-- at home and with family; at my workplace, in school, church; with friends, among people I meet at stores, restaurants, and appointments. You have directed me in Matthew 6:33 to Seek first your kingdom and your righteousness, and all these things will be given as well.
I am yours, Lord! Refresh me! Holy Spirit teach me! Use me! In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
James L. Davis, Servant Bishop