The procedures detailed below are for CLERGY ONLY.
1. Go to the Second Episcopal District Website (
2. Click on the eLearning portal link at the top of the page (if on smart phone link will be
under the more tab)
3. Sign-in to the portal (If a password already assigned) or request access (if initial
password has not been assigned)
To request a password: on Learning Portal homepage scroll to Request Access click on it,
complete form, submit request, a password will be sent via email. If portal help needed
After password received log in:
4. Go to the eLearning dashboard
5. On the left hand side click under “my courses”
6. The drop down menu will give an option general church training click on it
7. Then click on “Sexual Harassment Training”
8. Click on that and watch the videos
9. After watching the video click on quiz
10.Complete the quiz
11.Once the quiz is completed click on the “resources and certificate of completion” tab to receive the certificate of completion
12.Print out the certificate
13.Send a copy to the Episcopal Office at:
The website and e Learning portal are available on desktop, laptop, and/or smartphone
LAITY should complete the training and provide documentation through their local church. Church’s should confer with their insurance company to ensure compliance with policy requirement. Pastors should establish procedures for the local congregation.